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Link #new objectivity #neue sachlichkeit #albert renger-patzsch #german photographers #german artists #german photography #german photographs #20th century #1920s german photography #1920s german art #coffee #coffee beans #coffee cups #advertising photographs #advertising photography #commercial photography #still lifes #cup and saucer #cups and saucers #dishes #tableware #black coffee #gelatin silver prints #renger-patzsch #commercial photographs #black and white #black and white photography #black-and-white photographs
Link #artists #painters #models #18th century #1750s #baroque art #italian baroque #emilian school #ubaldo gandolfi #group portraits #portrait painters #portrait paintings #canvases #portraits #paintbrushes #artists' studios #easels #drapery #dogs #gestures #turbans #sittings #sitters #self portraits #visitors #studios #cuffs #embroidery #cup and saucer #palettes