Link #self sabotage #panic attack #saddening #depressive #i feel so alone #fall apart #fuck life #can someone please help #i cant handle this #i cant do this #i cant take it #i hate living #i hate myself #i hate my dad #im sick of the bullshit #im hurt #broken #lost cause #pathetic #off me #end my misery #end my life #im in a fucking nightmare #numb the pain #psychosis #suicidal ideation #voices in my head
Link #anxitey #im tired #escape #self sabotage #mental health #my mind is killing me #voices in my head #suicidal ideation #i hate life #mental illness #fuck me #i hate living #end my misery #i cant do this #struggling #self harmer #self destructing #self-destructive #depressing tumblr #depression #im not okay #im not good enough #you can kill me #dying inside #overwhelmed #overthinking
Link #self sabotage #painful #im tired #panic attack #drug addict #fuck life #fuck me #fucked up #fuck my entire life #kill me #self harmer #let me cut myself #cutter #living hell #suicide #let me disappear #can someone please help #falling apart #trauma #drug love #i hate living #what am i doing #what’s my purpose #death by a thousand cuts #i’ll pay you to kill me #end my misery #mental illness