High Heels
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art-and-things-of-beauty:Thomas Moran (1837-1926) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Erik Tryggelin (1878-1962) -Twilight...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Portraits by Eugène Burnand...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Georges Frédéric Rötig (1873-1961)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Thiele (Dresden 1841-1919)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski (Polish,...
for-the-duke-of-paris:art-and-things-of-beauty:Attributed to...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Rungius (1869-1959) - Mountain...
art-and-things-of-beauty:American Black Bear (Ursus...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Still lifes of tropical flowers, plants...
ultralaser:art-and-things-of-beauty:A surprising result - A...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan van Kessel (1626-1679) - Thistle...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R. Goodwin (1882-1935) - Oil on...
fat-little-dinos:art-and-things-of-beauty:Julius Moessel...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Reichert (1836–1918) - Cats and...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Julia Beck (1853-1935) - Portrait of...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Heyer (1872-1931) - A cat in...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R. Goodwin (1881-1935) - A...
art-and-things-of-beauty:catonhottinroof:Themistokles von...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Themistokles von Echenbrecher...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Eliot Hodgkin (1905-1987) - Morning...
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Robinson Leigh (1866-1955) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Birds by Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly...
cmder:art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R. Goodwin (1882-1935) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Quarrel for the meal by Winifred Austen...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animal studie by Xavier de Poret...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Eloise Harriet Stannard(1829–1915)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:A surprising result - A pair of...
the-paintrist:art-and-things-of-beauty:Leopold Carl...
art-and-things-of-beauty:August Andreas Jerndorff (1846-1906)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:French 19th century - Still life with...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922) - Two...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922) - Icarus...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carel Lodewijk Dake (1886-1946) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Frederick Judd Waugh (1861-1940) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Martha Darlay Mutrie (1824-1885) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jr. (Dutch, 1890-1976) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Adolf Senff (1785-1863) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Attributed to Ivan Ivanovitch Shishkin...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sea paintings by Patrick von...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Per Ekström (1844-1935) - Landscape,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Julius von Klever (1850-1924) - Late...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Lynn Bogue Hunt (1878-1960) - Tiger...
art-and-things-of-beauty:F. Saltelli (19th century) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Moose by Carl Rungius (1869-1959).
art-and-things-of-beauty:Big cats by William Walls...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jessie Arms Botke (American,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Augusto Volpini (1832-1911) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Spring !! - Black head sheep lambs.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Etch of a wolf by Herbert Thomas...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hans Dieter (1881-1968) - Forest...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gunnar Widforss (1879-1934) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Andrey Nikolaevich Avinoff...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Andrey Nikolaevich Avinoff (Russian,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Francisco Domingo Y Marqués (Spanish,...
art-and-things-of-beauty: Léopold Stevens.(1866-1935) -The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926) - Eagle owl...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Plant studies by Pancrace Bessa...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Georges Frédéric Rötig (1873-1961) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Richard Friese (1854-1918) - Tiger with...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Plants by Edwin John Alexander...
art-and-things-of-beauty:John Frederick Herring Sr....
art-and-things-of-beauty:Elioth Gruner (1882-1939) - Willows,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johannes Christiaan Karel Klinkenberg...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Isaak Strycharski (Polish, 19th/20th...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alligators by John Singer Sargent...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Julius Adam (German, 1826-1874) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Peder Mork Mônsted (1859-1941) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Partridges in the field by Bruno...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Willy Kriegel (1901-1966) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Daniel Garber (1880–1958)-...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animal sketches by Wilhelm Kuhnert...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sailing ships by Montague Dawson...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Passion Flowers (passiflora species)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Thiele (1841-1919) - Roe...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Helen Hunter (1920-2003) - Blooming...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alcide-Joseph Lorentz...
jellphish:art-and-things-of-beauty:Alligators by John Singer...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Thiele (1841-1919) - Red deer...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Birds by Robert Mitford...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jean-Baptiste Robie (1821-1910) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gerardus Johannes Bos (1825-1898) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfred Thörne (1850-1916) - Summer...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Edwin John Alexander (1870-1926) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Watercolor/gouaches of animals by...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul Friedrich Meyerheim...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hanns Bastanier (1885- 1966) - Lilies...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Winifred Austen (1876-1964) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul von Spaun (early 20th century) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Richard Friese (1854-1918) - Tiger...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Raymond Sheppard (1913-1958) - Polar...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von Max...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Wardle (British, 1864-1949) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Waterc/gouaches of birds by John...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animals in different graphic...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Georges Frédéric Rötig (1873-1961) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sparrows in a cherry tree by Bruno...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Landscapes by Peder Mork Mönsted...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animals by Charles Frederick...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gabriel Perrin (19th century) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anton Braith (1836-1905) - Calves in...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Studies of thistles by Christian...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Lee Man Fong (1913-1988) - Goldfish,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anton Hartinger (1806-1890) - Bouquet...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Olga Wisinger-Florian (1844 – 1926)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Watercolors of male nudes by John...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animals by Belle Baranceanu...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Torsen Warastjerna (1863-1924) - Study...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wilhelm Kuhnert (German, 1865-1926) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926) - Cape...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Siamese Cats by Charles Frederick...
art-and-things-of-beauty:arthubblogTwo Satyrs, c. 1618Peter...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johannes van Dregt (1737-1807)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Charles Hermans (Bergian, 1839-1924) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Giuseppe Pennasilico (1861 - 1940) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Albert Williams (b. 1922) - Still...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Etchings of animals by Winifred...
art-and-things-of-beauty:George Blackie Sticks (1843-1938) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ivan Shishkin (1832-1898) - Pine...
art-and-things-of-beauty:American landscapes by James...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johann Carl Neumann (1833-1891) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adolph von Menzel (1815-1905) -...
foudepeintures:art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul de Longpré...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Leopold Carl Müller (1834-1892) - A...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932) - Hookah...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Werner Wilhelm Schuch (1843-1918) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sydney Mortimer Laurence...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Still life with Peonies by Jose...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Attributed to Matthias...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Etchings of tigers by Herbert Thomas...
art-and-things-of-beauty:James Swinnerton (1875-1974) - Grand...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Théodore Géricault (1791-1824) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hugo Darnaut (1851-1937) - View to the...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Antonio María Fabrés y Costa...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Edwin Lord Weeks (American,...
saltotheearth:art-and-things-of-beauty:Julien Dupré...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Giulio Rosati (1858-1917) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Marie Nestler-Laux (German,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Yvonne Kleiss-Herzig (French,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jean Discart (1856-1944) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Antonio Maria Fabres y Costa...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Edouard Richter (1844-1913) - The...
dutch-and-flemish-painters:art-and-things-of-beauty:Circle of...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Georg Adolph Hasenpflug...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Minni Herzing (1883-1968) - Alpine...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Otto Pilny (Swiss, 1866-1936)Evening...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jun. (Dutch, 1890-1976)....
art-and-things-of-beauty:Charles Bargue (1825-1883) - Arab...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Pietro Navarra (17/18th century) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Owe Zerge (Swedish, 1894-1983) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paintings of sunlight by Frederic...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Horses by Emil Volkers (1831-1905)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wilhelm Kuhnert (German, 1965-1926) Oil...
rivermusic:art-and-things-of-beauty:Bruno Liljefors...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adolph (von) Menzel (1815-1905) -...
e-seal:art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R. Goodwin (1882-1935)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vernon de Beauvoir Ward (1905-1985) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Still life with pears Gerard Victor...
nasundertale:e-seal:art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R....
art-and-things-of-beauty:Portraits by Zinaida Serebriakova...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Curt Meyer Eberhardt (1895-1977) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Norbertine Bresslern-Roth (1891-1978)...
pupey-smoocher:e-seal:art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R....
art-and-things-of-beauty:Montague Dawson (1895-1973) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gerhard Löbenberg (1891-1967) - Red...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Etching of a Polar bear by Herbert...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Dogs and puppies by William Henry...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758-1823)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gustaf Fjaestad (1868-1948) - Winter...
ancientpelicanric:art-and-things-of-beauty:Sailing ships by...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gustav Feith (1875-1951) - Bouquet...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alphonse-Etienne Dinet (1861-1929) ...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arseny Meschersky (1834-1902) - Winter...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jessie Arms Botke (1883-1971) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:James McIntosh Patrick...
art-and-things-of-beauty:A Chameleon by Edwin John Alexander...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul Johann Ress (1878-1952) - View of...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Nicolas Regnier (1590-1667) - Saint...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Rungius (1869-1959) - Bugling...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Briton Rivière (1840-1920) - A Roman...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Otto Didrik Ottesen (1819-1892) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Aurèle Barraud (1903-1969) - Still life...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Three oil-studies of Pronghorn...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922) - Icarus on...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Dirk Smorenberg (1883-1960) - De...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfrida Baadsgaard (1839-1912) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Thiele (1841-1919) - Red deer,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Owen J. Gromme (1896-1991) - Quail in...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gustave Doré (French 1832-1883)Vivien...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul Friedrich Meyerheim (1842-1915) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:California quail (Callipepla...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Henry Matthew Brock (1875-1960) - St...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Lions by Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Tigers by Wilhelm Kuhnert (1865-1926)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Théodore Rousseau (1812-1867) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jr. (1890-1976) - Apples on...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anders Andersen-Lundby (1840-1923)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johann Friedrich Voltz (1817-1886) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Leopold Zinnögger (1811-1872) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:African Elephants by Wilhelm Kuhnert...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Zebra’s by Wilhelm Kuhnert...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Art on Tumblr since 17 December 2018.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Thomas Couture (1815-1879) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sydney Mortimer Laurence (1865–1940)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:George Cochran Lambdin (1830-1896) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Mussil (Austrian, 1828-1906)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Leopold von Stoll (1828-1889) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Bird drawing by Wilhelm Kuhnert
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johann Carl Neumann (1833-1891) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Francisco Domingo Y Marqués...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Henriette Gertrude Knip (1783-1842)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Stanley Haseltine...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animal sketches (composition...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Théophile de Bock (1851-1904) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jean Benner (1836-1906) - Flower...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hand studies by Albrecht Dürer...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Esther Kjerner (1873-1952) - Vase with...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Family time, not according to the new...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Théodore Géricault (1791-1824) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Two sheets of hare and rabbit studies...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Santiago Rusiñol (1861-1931) - Garden...
art-and-things-of-beauty:James Ward (1769-1859) - Human...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Théodore Géricault (1791-1824) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wilhelm Behm (1859-1934) - Autumn...
art-and-things-of-beauty:The last five years I have tried to...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz Werner von Tamm (1658–1724) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz Werner von Tamm (1658–1724) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:David de Coninck (ca.1644-1704) - A...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Antonietta Brandeis (Czech,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfred Thörne (1850-1916) - Summer...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Edward Lear (1812–1888) - Sketches...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Corneille (Cornelis) van Spaendonck...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gottfrid Kallstenius (1861-1943) -...
neptune-isdead:art-and-things-of-beauty:George Cochran Lambdin...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Paul de Longpré (American, 1855-1911) ...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Friedrich Deiker (1836-1892) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Apples, oil on canvas by Jan Voerman jr...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Wolves by Ernest Thompson Seton...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Giovanni Francesco Barbieri known...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Heinrich von Zügel (1850-1941) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Joseph Bail (French, 1862-1921) - Still...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johann Baptist Hofner (1832–1913) - A...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Parrots by Jacques Barraband...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ferdinand Roybet (1840-1920) The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfred William Strutt (British,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animals in mixed media by Charles...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Philip R. Goodwin (1881-1935) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Heinrich von Zügel (1850-1941) - Head...
art-and-things-of-beauty:A.D.M. Cooper (1856-1924) - River...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Charles Verlat (1824-1890) - Fox at the...
art-and-things-of-beauty:European Bisons by Wilhelm Kuhnert...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Watercolors of birds by Kathleen...
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Holbrook Beard (1823-1900) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Max Seliger (1865-1920) - Study sheet...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Etchings of a Hare by Kurt...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Charles Livingston Bull (1874-1932) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Albert Flamm (1823-1906) - View of...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Kathleen (Kay) Irene Nixon...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Lynn Bogue Hunt (1878-1960) - The...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Aloysius O’Kelly (1853-1926) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (1793-1865)...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847 -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz von Stuck (1863–1928) - Male...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Dunbar D. Beck (American, 1902-1986) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Norbertine Bresslern-Roth (Austrian,...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer (1636-1699) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Conrad Wise Chapman (1842-1913) -...
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anthonore Christensen (Danish, 1849-1926) - Irises flowers.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Peder Mönsted (Danish, 1859-1941) - Rocky coast, oil on canvas, 57 x 38 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Watercolor sketch of a Indian or blue peafowl (Pavo cristatu
justslowdown:art-and-things-of-beauty:Hermine Biederman-Arends (1855-1916) - Dachshund and Kittens,
art-and-things-of-beauty:Francesco Maria Schiaffino (Italian, 1688-1763)A white marble figure, (Nept
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anna Peters (1843-1926) - Still life with flowers, oil on canvas, 54 x 66 c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jaap Nieweg (1877-1955) - Still life with tulips, oil on canvas, 70 x 60 cm
a-poet-and-other-things:art-and-things-of-beauty:Gerald Festus Kelly (1879-1972)Four portraits of th
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jun. (Dutch, 1890-1976). Freesias, oil on canvas, 28,5 x 23 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922) - Icarus on the Rocks (1897), oil on canvas
art-and-things-of-beauty:George Blott (19/20th century) - Bisquits and chocolate, 1905.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Miel (Belgium 1599-1664) Ceres, Bacchus and Venus, oil on c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof (1866-1924) - Gold fish, oil on canvas, 17,6 x 22
ultralaser:art-and-things-of-beauty:A surprising result - A pair of paintings by William Henry Hamil
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) A sheet of studies of fruits:
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jessie Arms Botke (1883-1971) - Egrets in a swamp, oil and goldleaf on boar
art-and-things-of-beauty: French School early 19th century - Vulcan, oil on canvas, 95,5 x 71,5 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty: Elioth Gruner (1882-1939) - Willows, oil on canvas, 42 x 52 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jaap Nieweg (1877-1955) - Still life with tulips, oil on canvas, 70 x 60 cm
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) A sheet of studies of fruits:
art-and-things-of-beauty:Scipione Tadolini (Italian, 1822-1892) - Adonis, white marble, 114&nbs
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ernst Kreidolf (1863-1956) - Billbergia Bromelia, gouache, 56 x 42 cm. 
the-paintrist:art-and-things-of-beauty:Elin Danielson-Gambogi (1861-1919) - Winter Night, 1899.Winte
art-and-things-of-beauty:John Marshall Gamble (1863-1957) - Sunset.
the-paintrist:art-and-things-of-beauty:Elin Danielson-Gambogi (1861-1919) - Winter Night, 1899.Winte
art-and-things-of-beauty:Claudius Carl Gustav Klingstedt (Sweden, 1657-1734)A Satyr and two Maenads
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adriana Johanna Haanen (Dutch, 1814-1895) - Azalea Blossoms on a Ledge, oil
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) A sheet of studies of fruits:
art-and-things-of-beauty:Josef Theodor Hansen (1848-1912) - Forum Romanum, oil on canvas, 77.5
art-and-things-of-beauty:Kristian Zahrtmann (Danish, 1843-1917)Prometheus chained to the mountain ,
art-and-things-of-beauty:Alexis Kreyder (German,1839-1912) - Still life with red and white currant.
art-and-things-of-beauty: Franz Xaver Petter. A Melon. Oil on paper.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ivan Fedorovich Choultsé (1877-1932) - By the lake, oil on board, 51
art-and-things-of-beauty:A particular portrait of a duck by Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 1620-1691)The portr
art-and-things-of-beauty: Carel Lodewijk Dake (1886-1946) - Minangkabau village, Sumatra. Oil on ca
art-and-things-of-beauty: Werner Wilhelm Schuch (1843-1918) - The death on a horse in a battlefield,
art-and-things-of-beauty: George Edward Lodge (1860-1954) - A pair of Sclater’s Impeyan Pheasa
art-and-things-of-beauty: Alois Arnegger (1879- 1963) - View on Kitzbühel, oil on canvas, 80 x
art-and-things-of-beauty:Lee Man Fong (1913-1988) - Goldfish, oil on board, 70 x 108 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Fish by Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof (1866 – 1924)
art-and-things-of-beauty: Georges Frédéric Rötig (1873-1961) - Pencil/waterc/gou
art-and-things-of-beauty:Richard Ansdell (1815-1885) - Four studies of a head of a stag, all; oil on
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hans Bollongier (circa 1600-1675) - Fruit still life, oil on panel, 42 x 47
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Rungius (1869-1959) - Wolverine in the Rocky Mountains.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Norbertine Bresslern-Roth (1891-1978) - Snow Leopard
art-and-things-of-beauty:Ludwig Munthe (1841-1896) - Sunset in a snowy forest.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Evelyn de Morgan (1855-1919) - Phosphorus and Hesperus (1882).
art-and-things-of-beauty:Emile Vernon (British, 1872-1919) - Still life with Carnations.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Joseph Kostka (1846-1927) - Still life with red berries and raspberrie
achyjedi:art-and-things-of-beauty:François-Léon Bënouville (1821-1859)The shadow
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Friedrich Deiker (German,1836-1892) - A wild boar attacked by dogs, oi
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adelheid Dietrich (1827-1891) - Still Life with roses, oil on canvas, 65 x
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) A sheet of studies of fruits:
the-paintrist:art-and-things-of-beauty:Elin Danielson-Gambogi (1861-1919) - Winter Night, 1899.Winte
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jaap Nieweg (1877-1955) - Still life with tulips, oil on canvas, 70 x 60 cm
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gunnar Brynolf Wennerberg (1866-1950) - Phloxes.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Ebert (1821-1885) - Inside a forest, oil on canvas, 103,5 x 76 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Carl Ebert (1821-1885) - Inside a forest, oil on canvas, 103,5 x 76 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Antonietta Brandeis (Czech, 1849-1920).Porta della Carta, Doge’s Pala
thegreenwolf:art-and-things-of-beauty:Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski (Polish, 1849-1915) - Wolves in a snow
art-and-things-of-beauty:Winifred Austen (1876-1964) - Zebra Finches, pencil, water- bodycolour.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Animals and their young by Raymond Sheppard (1913 - 1958)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gustaf Carlström (1896-1964) - The blooming cactus. 1929.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Thiele (1841-1919) - Red deer, oil on canvas, 63 x 50 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sydney Mortimer Laurence (1865–1940) - Mount McKinley, oil on board,
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adriana-Johanna Haanen (Dutch, 1814-1895) - Still life with roses, oil on c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hans Bollongier (circa 1600-1675) - Fruit still life, oil on panel, 42 x 47
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adriana-Johanna Haanen (Dutch, 1814-1895) - Still life with roses, oil on c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Adriana-Johanna Haanen (Dutch, 1814-1895) - Still life with roses, oil on c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anna Peters (1843-1926) - Still life with flowers, oil on canvas, 54 x 66 c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Peder Mork Mönsted (Danish, 1859-1941) - Deer in a snowy forest. 1912.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Arthur Heyer (1872-1931) - A cat in the grass spying at an insect, oil
art-and-things-of-beauty:Nicolaes Pietersz Berghem (Dutch, 1620-1683) - Studies of a horse’s h
art-and-things-of-beauty:Willem Hendrik van der Nat (1865-1929) - Rabbits, oil on canvas, 34 x 55 cm
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gustaf Carlström (1896-1964) - The blooming cactus. 1929.
art-and-things-of-beauty: Gustaf Carlström (1896-1964) - The blooming cactus. 1929.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anton Pieck (1895-1987) - Guinea pig, gouache/ink, 9,5 x 15 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Winifred Austen (1876-1964) - Zebra Finches, pencil, water- bodycolour.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Francisco Domingo Y Marqués (Spanish, 1842-1920)Roses, oil on panel,
art-and-things-of-beauty:Johannes Evert Hendrik Akkeringa (Dutch, 1861-1942)A Begonia, oil on canvas
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Holbrook Beard (1823-1900) - Foxes and rabbits, oil on canvas, 40,5
art-and-things-of-beauty:Thomas Robins jnr. (1745-1806) - Hibiscus and Geraniums with Bu
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Bogaerts (Dutch, 1878-1862)Roses in a vase, 40,5 x 50,4 cm. 1912.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jun. (Dutch, 1890-1976). Flowers, oil on canvas, 35 x 44 c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jr. (1890-1976) - Pink rose, oil on board, 20 x 15 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz Blaschek (1787-1849) - Study of melons, watercolor and gouache,
art-and-things-of-beauty:William Robinson Leigh (1866-1955) - Swans in the moonlight, oil on canvas,
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jun. (1890-1976). Freesias, oil on canvas, 30 x 23,9 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Pencil/watercolor studies of dachshunds by Xavier de Poret (1894-1975).
art-and-things-of-beauty:Henrik Grönvold (1858-1940) - The evolution of the eyes on Argus Pheas
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jr (1890-1976) - Freesias, oil on canvas, 29 x 23 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Julien Stappers (1875-1960) - Still life with daffodils, oil on panel, 23 x
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (1533-1588) A sheet of studies of fruits:
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz Xaver Petter. A Melon. Oil on paper.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Frans Oerder (South African, born Netherlands, 1867-1944), Begonias. Oil on
ultralaser: art-and-things-of-beauty: A surprising result - A pair of paintings by William Hen
art-and-things-of-beauty:Franz Werner von Tamm (1658–1724)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Winifred Austen (1876-1964) - Zebra Finches, pencil, water- bodycolour.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Sparrows in a cherry tree by Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939)
art-and-things-of-beauty:Joseph Kostka (1846-1927) - Still life with red berries and raspberrie
art-and-things-of-beauty:Attributed to Pierre Subleyras (1699-1746) - Saint Jerome, oil on canvas,&n
art-and-things-of-beauty:Jan Voerman jun. (1890-1976). Freesias, oil on canvas, 30 x 23,9 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Anthonore Christensen (Danish, 1849-1926) Forest floor with Mushrooms.
art-and-things-of-beauty: Sydney Mortimer Laurence (1865-1940) - The North Star, oil on canvas, 50,8
art-and-things-of-beauty: Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) - Woodland, oil on canvas, 100 x 74 c
art-and-things-of-beauty:Vladimir Makovsky (1846-1920) - The painter, pencil, watercolour and gouach
art-and-things-of-beauty: Carl Rungius (1869-1959) - High Country Monarch, oil on canvas, 63,5 x 86,
art-and-things-of-beauty:French school 18th century - Study of a male nude with a sword, oil on canv
art-and-things-of-beauty:Charles Gleyre (1806-1874) - Mucius Scaevola, oil on canvas, 97 x 77 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty: Jules-Cyrille Cavé (1859-1940) - Narcissus, oil on canvas, 99 x 198,7 c
art-and-things-of-beauty: Johannes Christian Deiker (1822-1895)
art-and-things-of-beauty: Johannes Hendrik Eversen (Dutch, 1906-1995) - Still life with cherries, o
the-paintrist: art-and-things-of-beauty: Leopold Carl Müller (1834-1892) - A street scene, Cairo. oi
art-and-things-of-beauty: Géza Vastagh (1866-1919) - Who is affraid of who ?
art-and-things-of-beauty: George Cochran Lambdin (1830-1896) - Roses, 1874.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Pierre-Joseph Redouté (French, 1759-1840) - Carnations and Roses.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Hugo Noske (1886-1960) - Blooming Epiphyllum Cactus,color woodblock on Japa
art-and-things-of-beauty:Fernando Liger Hidalgo (1880-1945) - Interior of the Alcazar, Seville. wate
art-and-things-of-beauty:Gerhard Löbenberg (1891-1967) - Red deer, oil on canvas, 62 x 97 cm.
art-and-things-of-beauty:Abraham Mignon (1640-1679) - Still life with flowers and insects,
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