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"Each night the moon kisses secretly the lover who counts the stars"-Rumi ⛤ ♈ |♓☀️(rising) |M|Energy sensitive✨|️⛤Queer/Trans eclectic witch⛤️|they/them |Psychonaut|Devotee of the Goddess|goth|Slytherin-Pukwudgie|Secretly a bat ⛤ A general witchcraft blog, but I also post whatever strikes my fancy. You’ll see plenty of goth, vampire and Slytherin stuff here alongside arcana.Now that you’ve found your way here, enjoy your stay ⛤ ⛪All the bats have left the belfry and have taken up residence here instead ⛪ ⛤ ✨Love and light to you✨ ⛤ ✊This blog is anti-Drumpf, anti-fascist, pro-love✊