the trouble with love is

the trouble with love is

Jasmin ❀ ❀ ❀ heteromantic bisexual ❀ slytherin ❀ house stark ❀ destiel is love (ʘ‿ʘ❀) Dean-girl from the womb to the tomb ❀ i ♥ my boys: Ron Weasley, Bucky Barnes, Dylan Massett & Carl Grimes ❀ ☆☆☆ TEAM STEVE☆☆☆ currently watching: Big Little Lies [S2] Malcolm in the Middle [S3] Siren [S2] ❀ forevership otps: athelnar ❀ destiel ❀ merthur ❀ stucky ❀ i don’t wanna hear about other pairings with those characters I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR INFERIOR SHIPS ❀
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