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fouryearsofshades: jhameia: angryfishtrap: fouryearsofshades: angryfishtrap: jhameia: fouryearsofsha
fouryearsofshades: 簪忆阁 http://zanyi.taobao.com/Diancui...
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明 Hand-made...
fouryearsofshades:(via 西汉褝衣 【红茱萸】-淘宝网) 天衣坊Han style
fouryearsofshades:口红纸 苑小苑 http://yxy723.taobao.com/The gist...
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:山涧 服饰Traditional Chinese...
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:桑纈Traditional Chinese...
fouryearsofshades: 霖南府
fouryearsofshades:汉服 朝露之城 齐胸襦裙——碧倾 (via 汉服 朝露之城...
fouryearsofshades:桑纈Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:Banbi (short sleeve) with yaolan (waist piece)...
fouryearsofshades:Quju 山涧 服饰
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【幽篁居】扇缘–汉服配...
fouryearsofshades:披帛 pibo面料:雪纺天丝兰绮轩汉服
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:I haven’t posted anything...
fouryearsofshades:I would say black song-style shan is gaining...
fouryearsofshades:Southern-dynasty style ruqun by 山涧 服饰
fouryearsofshades:Clothing inspired by murals from the Yongle...
fouryearsofshades:东坡巾 by 洞庭漢風漢服Dongpo Jin/东坡巾 is a type...
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:Buttons were really popular for...
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-asks:Modified Hanfu by 十三余...
fouryearsofshades:Photographer 作者:大萌牙《坐久日已夕,春鸟声关关。》...
fouryearsofshades:袒领衫交嵛裙 by 乔织丨原创汉服设计The shans are...
fouryearsofshades:Hair ornaments by 震泽波底月明
fouryearsofshades:Southern-dynasty style ruqun by 山涧 服饰
fouryearsofshades:Eastern han style 南朝
fouryearsofshades: 周天拍的照片 摄影师反馈了几张给我 O(∩_∩)O~(via 重回汉唐汉服店的微博|新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿)重回汉唐汉服店5hanfu.taobao
fouryearsofshades:伪少女,转圈圈…… 镇楼够了吧 (via 【得瑟】芬菲四月·桃花——宋褙子套装_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧)Song-dynasty styled beizi
fouryearsofshades: 披风 (via 【汉服漫画】玄冰xuanbing_汉服萌图吧_百度贴吧)作者:玄冰xuanbingDrawing of the popular beizi 褙子
fouryearsofshades:《花·女詞》(呀呀繪)1/2 ISBN:9787535658326 Also a new book published (x) this year. Picture
fouryearsofshades:《花·女詞》(呀呀繪)2/2 ISBN:9787535658326 Also a new book published (x) this year. Picture
fouryearsofshades:(via 【汉服生活】我能说我每天穿汉服上课逛街考试 都没有人看出来_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧)Hanfu on the streets ~
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-inspired clothing by 京渝堂
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【完售】【琼箫碧月】濯羽汉服-唐风真丝齐胸襦裙-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: (via 清笼月—国画风刺绣披风-春拾记-汉服-淘宝网)春拾记 chunsj.taobao.c
fouryearsofshades:A very general post about skirts in hanfu. Please contact me if I made any mistake
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【华夏粹】2015秋季发新 秋色宜人衣更美有华丽大袖衫和汉元素哟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 华夏粹汉服I recommended tw
fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家
fouryearsofshades: 裁云集 brocade mamian skirt
fouryearsofshades: (via 【煜书长安】十月上新,抢楼贴(就是这么简单哦)_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 煜书长安 Attire for the Vanyar
fouryearsofshades: 我爱这些长在日月里的姑娘。精裁细绣之衣,人世难得之颜色。且正在好的光阴里,青山红花。那样的女子,有草木的气息,永远是美的。 Via 11月新品局部预告(有色差
fouryearsofshades: 六月入仲夏,溫風如淳,綠筠含粉。一襲輕紗褙子,自清涼無汗。 (via 六月·褙子) 桑纈 www.weibo.com/u/3572594885
fouryearsofshades: (via 【洞庭漢風】直裾深衣(煙灰)-淘宝网) 洞庭漢風 shop100368875.taobao.com/ Clothes: 直裾深衣 Hea
fouryearsofshades: 丝路花雨 (via 2014夏季品<长安六梦>之一_步光_新浪博客) 清辉阁 shop33262171.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 旋扑珠簾過粉牆,輕于柳絮重于霜。 已隨江令夸瓊樹,又入盧家妒玉堂。 (via 一月·青初) 桑纈 www.weibo.com/u/357259
fouryearsofshades: (via 【云鹤居汉服】首次上新啦~~~_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 云鹤居汉服shop105853425.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 我自己喊他叫涟漪漪,店铺名字叫莲,店铺全部银簪都是万足银底,因为焊接部分的多和少会自动降标为999或者990,原价899米,现价620米,再讨价还价的没有良心
fouryearsofshades:踏云馆 shop70958604.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 【纨绮汉服】绣花对襟襦裙——沉香玉婉 形制:对襟襦裙选料:高级时装面料/ 真丝丝麻褶裙(珍珠纱挂里)工艺:双面包边缝/绣花/挂里 纨绮 shop
fouryearsofshades: 二木家 ermj.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 李3507的闲置转让 shop33326108.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: (via 【汉晴画轩】癸巳蛇年元宵节贺图~=v=_汉服吧_百度贴吧) Artist 猫山人
fouryearsofshades: 松吹暗摇琴曲冷,池波深照客心闲。 衔杯不使疏棂闭,巢湿红泥乳燕还。 (via 燕还巢 华夏粹 汉服 褙子单品 对襟 水墨 传统民族服装 夏季特价-淘宝网) 华夏粹
fouryearsofshades: 宋城花事 shop107582050.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 图作者 鱼尾张(春秋)、猫山人(冬夏) (via 【木盒子】私制代售汉服收纳木盒 四季汉服插图印刷收纳木盒-淘宝网) 东京梦华录 djmhl
fouryearsofshades: 对襟半臂套装 锦正衣御 xiaoba121.taobao.com
fouryearsofshades: 汉晴画轩 (via 汉晴画轩 的涂鸦王国作品《【汉晴画轩】汉服插画》 - 涂鸦王国插画) Artist 玄冰
fouryearsofshades: (via 【闻鹤之声】端午新品 5-31中午上新~惹_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 荷包 闻鹤之声 shop104077520.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: (via 【道定】汉服 【赤狐】衣裳套装 襦裙 礼服 全真丝高端定制包顺丰-淘宝网) 道定 shop109587822.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: “——妈妈,人家小朋友,都是去景区,看树上的花;为什么我们却要走土埂,看田里的花?” “——因为生命中最值得你记住、最值得你爱惜的,不是楼台花树,而是养育你的
fouryearsofshades: 短褙子:真丝 下裙:外层真丝 内衬薄棉 (via 国风少女●摇光————汉服 短褙子 襦裙。-淘宝网) 国风少女 guofengshaonv.ta
fouryearsofshades: Ancient Chinese hairstyle paper art. From top to bottom: 双刀髻、随云髻、单螺髻、飞天髻(x2)、架子头
fouryearsofshades: (via 【洞庭漢風】衣裳-土-【坤御】-淘宝网) 洞庭漢風 shop100368875.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 华夏粹 (via 华夏粹2014夏秋款新品【夏日却迟】~~~好多款萌萌的汉服袭来_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 华夏粹 huaxiacui.taobao
fouryearsofshades: (via 汉晴画轩 的涂鸦王国作品《【汉晴画轩】汉服漫画南枝》 - 涂鸦王国插画) Artist 南枝
fouryearsofshades: (via 芳雪 华夏粹 汉服 褙子单品 对襟 桃花 传统民族服装 夏季热卖-淘宝网) 华夏粹huaxiacui.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 日稷城陰生,塵露稍云歇。密樹抱烟沈,高禽映天沒。外物既不擾,清機亦徐發。何意羲皇風,吹我襟袖末。少駐北堂陲,娟娟待明月。 柿蒂紋綾上衣 絹抹胸 黃色絹里裙 白
fouryearsofshades: Artist 树水 (via 【汉晴画轩】癸巳蛇年元宵节贺图~=v=_汉服吧_百度贴吧)
fouryearsofshades: Modern hanfu is not historical hanfu. Modern hanfu is developing, and needed not
fouryearsofshades: 斗篷 Cape/cloak Not hanfu at all. Just something to wear outside when it is cold.
fouryearsofshades: (via 天衣坊收藏精品汉服(齐胸襦裙 唐代)_maskt) 天衣坊 hanfutyf.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: · 面料 上襦面料:优质绵绸(不同于市面上廉价薄绵绸) 下裙面料:优质绵绸(不同于市面上廉价薄绵绸) 套装不含抹胸,需要抹胸请参加抹胸团购 · 设计 素雅淡然
fouryearsofshades: 极乐天 凤凰护我,风华绝代。极乐天下,光明万方 (via 2014夏季新品<长安六梦>_步光_新浪博客) 清辉阁 shop3326
fouryearsofshades: (via 求教:这两幅图外衫的区别_汉服吧_百度贴吧) The differences between hanfu and kimono: man.
fouryearsofshades: 褙子:天蓝底印花真丝素绉缎 下裙:深绿雪纺,丝棉衬里 交领上襦:浅黄底印花真丝雪纺 (via 竹里馆昨晚的上新〜〜_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 竹里馆 http:
fouryearsofshades: (via 心塞塞的,于是我也来反馈小桃,貌似我是为数不多做长齐胸的_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) OP/model 星月塔
fouryearsofshades: (via 【青荷记】明风 汉服配饰 银鎏金多宝小荷花钿/花头钗【小重山】-淘宝网) 花钿 青荷记 baicaoshougong.taobao.com
fouryearsofshades: A very simplified comparison of female hanfu and hanbok. I have been having troub
fouryearsofshades: 【锦瑟衣庄】独家印花褙子套装——潇湘雨 形制: 褙子 宋裤(三件套) 选料:褙子 印花韩国绒(带挂里);下裙 印花韩国绒 抹胸 纯色韩国绒 首饰提供:花月砂/
fouryearsofshades: 喵家手绘铺 shop72762809.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: Artist 碧落cici
fouryearsofshades: 朝露之城 zhaoluzhicheng.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: (via 【汉服北京】《装男人2014》——映世阁出品_汉服吧_百度贴吧) 【正片发布】《装男人2014》之汉风婚服系列——映世阁出品 tieba
fouryearsofshades: (via 【汉服北京】《装男人2014》——映世阁出品_汉服吧_百度贴吧) 【正片发布】《装男人2014》之汉风婚服系列——映世阁出品tieba.
fouryearsofshades: (via 【汉服北京】《装男人2014》——映世阁出品_汉服吧_百度贴吧) 【正片发布】《装男人2014》之汉风婚服系列——映世阁出品tieba.
fouryearsofshades: (via 【汉服北京】《装男人2014》——映世阁出品_汉服吧_百度贴吧) 【正片发布】《装男人2014》之汉风婚服系列——映世阁出品 tieba
fouryearsofshades: (via 【穿汉服去旅游之黄姚古镇篇】活动总结之徐小帝篇_汉服吧_百度贴吧)
fouryearsofshades: 伽南香 水国秋风里,殊非远别时。长安如梦里,何日是归期。 (via 2014夏季新品<长安六梦>_步光_新浪博客) 清辉阁 sho
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 华夏粹正品 粉紫绣花花鸟雪纺对襟襦裙大袖衫 汉服民族热卖 风舞-淘宝网) 华夏粹 Traditional Chines
fouryearsofshades: 老绣手绣,手绘真丝孤品面料存放时间久,有比较细微黄化点,介意者勿拍。 丝线交织间会有比较细微的异色杂质或蚕丝打结(类似真丝双宮结),介意者勿拍。 真丝纱罗材质
fouryearsofshades: beyondthegoblincity: Tang Dynasty style hanfu source: zgzhuangshu Only the top
fouryearsofshades: (via 【绿娆工坊】漫展摆摊回来惹苦逼的剩了大量的囤货于是清仓福袋来一_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) Waist ornaments by 绿娆工坊
fouryearsofshades:Backpack by 锦瑟衣庄原创设计传统
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-inspired designs by 锦瑟画未汉式生活馆
fouryearsofshades:embroidered purse (the motifs and colour on each side are different) by 司南阁汉服
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
fouryearsofshades:襖裙手繪hand-painted aoqun芷兰汀 shop60298266.taobao.com/
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:凉笙记Accessory for traditional Chinese Hanfu - Yingluo/璎珞 (Necklace).
fouryearsofshades:披风+袄裙清辉阁 shop33262171.taobao.com/
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:天衣坊Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: thefeastandthefast: fouryearsofshades: A tang-style hat 帷帽 Can
fouryearsofshades:Clothes by 花间赋Necklace by 莳花集
fouryearsofshades:(via 二木家上新啦!“南客”系列,精绣芳情雀艳孔雀、花中妃子山茶_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 二木家 ermj
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:2016 January 直裾袍 from怀谷居.Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Zhiju/直裾 (st
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:南朝Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:襖裙手繪hand-painted aoqun芷兰汀 shop60298266.taobao.com/
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与绸面
fouryearsofshades:(via 筱绣阁精品手推绣叠穿长褙子【醉花间】-淘宝网) 筱绣阁
fouryearsofshades:Hair ornaments by 震泽波底月明
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 谯梦2015秋季第三波齐胸上新 - 详细介绍&上架时间_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 谯梦 The words on th
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:山涧 服饰Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Tang Dynasty-style wedding dress
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:天衣坊Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:江南桃花家Traditional Chinese Hanfu. This outfit comprises a yellow-and-pink
fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁
fouryearsofshades:(via 霜云居汉服女款渐变印花雪纺百褶裙包邮-淘宝网) Song-style pleated skirt by 霜云居
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:凉笙记Accessory for traditional Chinese Hanfu - Yingluo/璎珞 (Necklace).
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 醉花涧亲子汉服 落樱 飞鸟集交领袄裙两件套 定制-淘宝网) 醉花涧Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:Model 周玲双玉瓯 shyuou.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 醉花涧亲子汉服 落樱 飞鸟集交领袄裙两件套 定制-淘宝网) 醉花涧Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
fouryearsofshades:chest high shan set by 朝露之城汉服工作室
fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 桑纈 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:fouryearsofshades:鱼灯/Yúdēng Fish lantern During 元宵节 (Chapgohmeh, Lantern Festival,
fouryearsofshades:敦煌,飞天,大唐。遥想那年香花满径,春风得意的少年走马扬鞭恣意纵情,诗酒作伴不负青春大好年华 直至战鼓喧嚣惊破梨园仙乐,风云异变,一世繁华转眼过,百代兴衰弹指间 唯
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与绸面
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:阆苑古今工坊A hebao/荷包 is a purse-like traditional Chinese accessory of hanfu
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:春拾记 chunsj.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hanfu in the style of
fouryearsofshades:(via 二木家上新啦!“南客”系列,精绣芳情雀艳孔雀、花中妃子山茶_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 二木家 ermj
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明 Hand-made traditional Chinese hair ornaments to wear with hanfu
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明 Hand-made traditional Chinese hair ornaments to wear with hanfu
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:绛悠堂Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Waist-high & Chest-high Ru
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:裁云集 caiyunji.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type:
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-asks:Modified Hanfu by 十三余 小豆蔻儿Happy Fall!The cross-collared ru wraps a
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【含露梅边】趁着七夕,懒癌掌柜来上旧_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 含露梅边 Traditional Chinese Hanfu with
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:篱天宫 shop109980393.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hair ornaments.
fouryearsofshades:Hair ornaments by 震泽波底月明
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:桑纈Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: peach theme jewellery by 蝉啸 手作研究室
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【笙烟小铺】低产来上新…默默混个脸熟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 笙烟小铺 Chinese hair ornaments,
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁Traditional Chinese Hanfu skirts.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:2016 January 直裾袍 from怀谷居.Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Zhiju/直裾 (st
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与绸面
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:清欢醉言shop106698437.taobao.com/就是这货 颜色比较接近实物了 底下的图是晚上打着台灯拍的略偏色材料:珍
fouryearsofshades:Hair ornaments by 震泽波底月明
fouryearsofshades:(via 【煜书长安】十月上新,抢楼贴(就是这么简单哦)_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 煜书长安Attire for the Vanyar
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:天衣坊Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与绸面
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:(via 【完售】【琼箫碧月】濯羽汉服-唐风真丝齐胸襦裙-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:晋襦 by 山涧 服饰A Jin-style ruqun with half-sleeves. The model was holding
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades:主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与绸面
fouryearsofshades:Red agate series 终南 原创设计制作
fouryearsofshades:晋襦 by 山涧 服饰A Jin-style ruqun with half-sleeves. The model was holding
fouryearsofshades:Decorative hair combs with resin flowers from 一念浮生 。
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-asks:Modified Hanfu by 十三余 小豆蔻儿Happy Fall!The cross-collared ru wraps a
fouryearsofshades:Hair ornaments by 震泽波底月明
fouryearsofshades: (via 二木家上新啦!“南客”系列,精绣芳情雀艳孔雀、花中妃子山茶_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 二木家 ermj
fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:春拾记 chunsj.taobao.com/ Traditional Chinese hanfu in the style o
fouryearsofshades: hanfu-asks: Modified Hanfu by 十三余 小豆蔻儿 Happy Fall! The cross-collared ru wra
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【含露梅边】趁着七夕,懒癌掌柜来上旧_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 含露梅边 Traditional Chinese Hanfu wi
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: Buttons were really popular for the last couple of years actually, es
fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明
fouryearsofshades: 披风+袄裙 清辉阁 shop33262171.taobao.com/
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 山涧 服饰 Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Tang Dynasty-style wedding dr
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明 Hand-made traditional Chinese hair ornaments to wear with hanf
fouryearsofshades: 裁云集 brocade mamian skirt
fouryearsofshades: 花间赋
fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 【法海寺】壁画复原——【牡丹】 by 鹤庐汉服 Inspired by murals from a t
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【笙烟小铺】低产来上新…默默混个脸熟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 笙烟小铺 Chinese hair ornament
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: Model 周玲双玉瓯 shyuou.taobao.com/ Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 行衣(a type of men formal wear)洞庭漢風漢服
fouryearsofshades: 竹里馆
fouryearsofshades: (via 天衣坊收藏精品汉服(齐胸襦裙 唐代)_maskt) 天衣坊 hanfutyf.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: Clothes by 花间赋 Necklace by 莳花集
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【华夏粹】2015秋季发新 秋色宜人衣更美有华丽大袖衫和汉元素哟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 华夏粹汉服 I recommended
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【含露梅边】趁着七夕,懒癌掌柜来上旧_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 含露梅边 Traditional Chinese Hanfu wi
fouryearsofshades: 間色裙 唐主流齊胸襦裙,頭髮是yy的……妹子名字叫“支歷”…… (via 餘音 的
fouryearsofshades: 敦煌,飞天,大唐。遥想那年香花满径,春风得意的少年走马扬鞭恣意纵情,诗酒作伴不负青春大好年华 直至战鼓喧嚣惊破梨园仙乐,风云异变,一世繁华转眼过,百代兴衰弹指间
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 凉笙记 Accessory for traditional Chinese Hanfu - Yingluo/璎珞 (Necklace).
fouryearsofshades: Clothes by 花间赋 Necklace by 莳花集
fouryearsofshades: 山涧 服饰
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 桑纈 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 桑纈
darkersolstice: ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的
fouryearsofshades: 绛悠堂
fouryearsofshades: 花间赋
fouryearsofshades: #汉服挑战#首页看到这个,想起毕设就是以明制汉服为题材画的穿搭志,当时试图把传统服饰和现代生活结合起来,所以搭配里面会有一些时尚单品,但主体的汉服穿着层次没有改,
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 冠(笄)之礼是我国汉民族传统的成人仪礼,是汉民族重要的人文遗产。华夏先祖对于冠礼非常重视,所谓“冠者礼之始也”&l
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-inspired clothing by 京渝堂
fouryearsofshades: 醉花涧
fouryearsofshades: 南朝
fouryearsofshades: 花间赋
fouryearsofshades: There might be some confusions between hanfu ruqun and hakama. So I made a thing.
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊 Traditional Chinese hanfu, hair, and makeup in the style of the T
fouryearsofshades: 洞庭漢風
fouryearsofshades: 纨绮
fouryearsofshades: 南朝
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 主料为暗红色金鱼戏藻紋提花绸,衬里为纯棉与织锦缎拼接。(提花绸,是用提花机使经纬线交错点织成各种花纹图案的绸缎,是绸缎中的一个大类, 是与
fouryearsofshades: (via 二木家上新啦!“南客”系列,精绣芳情雀艳孔雀、花中妃子山茶_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 二木家 ermj
fouryearsofshades: 撷秀
fouryearsofshades: 纨绮
fouryearsofshades: Clothes by 花间赋 Necklace by 莳花集
fouryearsofshades: ziseviolet:Traditional Chinese Diancui hair ornaments. Don’t ever buy real
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 清笼月—国画风刺绣披风-春拾记-汉服-淘宝网) 春拾记 chunsj.taoba
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 谯梦2015秋季第三波齐胸上新 - 详细介绍&上架时间_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 谯梦 The words on
fouryearsofshades: 桑纈
fouryearsofshades: 行衣(a type of men formal wear)洞庭漢風漢服
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【翠夕案】上新折扣咯。。抢楼免费送_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 翠夕案 古钗手作 Traditional Chinese hair
fouryearsofshades: Zha ju by 竹里馆
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 2016 January 直裾袍 from 怀谷居. Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Zhiju/直裾
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 苏城小艺 A “hebao” (Chinese: 荷包) is a purse-like traditional
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:浮罗芳菲 shop108449202.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hair ornament
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 南朝 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet:fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家汉服店 Suzhou embroidery for traditional Chinese hanfu.
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:春拾记 chunsj.taobao.com/ Traditional Chinese hanfu in the style o
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 阆苑古今工坊 A hebao/荷包 is a purse-like traditional Chinese accessory of ha
fouryearsofshades: A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes tha
fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁
fouryearsofshades: 桑纈
fouryearsofshades: Red agate series 终南 原创设计制作
fouryearsofshades: 晋襦 by 山涧 服饰 A Jin-style ruqun with half-sleeves. The model was holdin
fouryearsofshades: 缥染缃裁
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家 Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Beizi/褙子.
fouryearsofshades: 花间赋
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 醉花涧亲子汉服 落樱 飞鸟集交领袄裙两件套 定制-淘宝网) 醉花涧 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁
fouryearsofshades: Clothing inspired by murals from the Yongle Palace 永乐宫 (a Taoist temple) by
fouryearsofshades: (via 【穿汉服去旅游之黄姚古镇篇】活动总结之徐小帝篇_汉服吧_百度贴吧)
fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊
fouryearsofshades: 桑纈
fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊
fouryearsofshades: 披风+袄裙 清辉阁 shop33262171.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 間色裙 唐主流齊胸襦裙,頭髮是yy的……妹子名字叫“支歷”…… (via 餘音 的
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家 Traditional Chinese Hanfu. This outfit comprises a yellow-and-p
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 凉笙记 Accessory for traditional Chinese Hanfu - Yingluo/璎珞 (Necklace).
fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明
fouryearsofshades: 裁云集
fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 苏城小艺 A “hebao” (Chinese: 荷包) is a purse-like traditional
fouryearsofshades: 醉花涧
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 苏城小艺 A “hebao” (Chinese: 荷包) is a purse-like traditional
fouryearsofshades: 醉花涧
fouryearsofshades: Winter 2016 by 怀谷居 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 汉客丝路 Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Ming Dynasty-style skirt (qun)
fouryearsofshades: 清欢醉言 shop106698437.taobao.com/ 就是这货 颜色比较接近实物了 底下的图是晚上打着台灯拍的略偏色材料:珍珠 粉晶小葫芦
fouryearsofshades: 簪忆阁 zanyi.taobao.com/ Diancui mimics.
fouryearsofshades: 桑纈
fouryearsofshades: 形制:明制披风(单层) 披风面料:100%重磅真丝(手绘工艺); 系带面料:灰色真丝剪花纱 — 厚薄度:◇超薄 ◆薄 ◇适中 ◇厚 ◇超厚 &mdas
fouryearsofshades: Waist ornaments 宫绦 (ɡōnɡ tāo) by 夏箬山
fouryearsofshades: (via 【黑袍】你们逼我降价打折- - 你们这些没良心的,日子还能过?_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 点翠 (diǎncuì) ti
fouryearsofshades: inkjadestudio: fouryearsofshades: 饰品是楼主在北京学习期间制作的,并且不是我一个人制作的,我只负责了满冠和钿子,其余饰品均为他人
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 【法海寺】壁画复原——【牡丹】 by 鹤庐汉服 Inspired by murals from a t
fouryearsofshades: (via 原创品牌重回汉唐汉服女装新品半臂交领齐腰襦裙套装丝路花雨粉色-淘宝网) 重回汉唐汉服店 【产品属性】所属品牌:重回汉唐品 &
fouryearsofshades: 面料: 里层褙子:紫色雪纺 外层褙子:绿色雪纺 抹胸:天丝棉(绣花边) 褶裙:雪纺 麻豆:巨巨 摄影:司南 发型:乎乎 司南阁 (vi
fouryearsofshades: 面料: 里层褙子:紫色雪纺 外面褙子:雪纺(有花边款) 抹胸:棉麻(绣花边) 褶裙:雪纺 麻豆:巨巨 摄影:司南 司南阁汉服 (via
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 冠(笄)之礼是我国汉民族传统的成人仪礼,是汉民族重要的人文遗产。华夏先祖对于冠礼非常重视,所谓“冠者礼之始也”&l
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 醉花涧 中国风 一片式真丝褶裙 另可定制三裥裙 八破裙 十六破裙-淘宝网) 醉花涧汉式美学 Traditional Chines
fouryearsofshades: Model 周玲双玉瓯 shyuou.taobao.com/ Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【笙烟小铺】低产来上新…默默混个脸熟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 笙烟小铺 Chinese hair ornament
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:篱天宫 shop109980393.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hair ornaments
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 清笼月—国画风刺绣披风-春拾记-汉服-淘宝网) 春拾记 chunsj.taoba
fouryearsofshades: 那么此款是少女造型,唐代盛行红妆,唐宇文氏《妆台记》中写道:“美人妆,面既傅粉,复以胭脂调匀掌中,施以两颊,浓者为‘酒晕妆’;
fouryearsofshades: A selection of tops from my hanfu wardrobe. There are some of the more memorable
fouryearsofshades: 醉花涧
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar ao + cross collar bijia + mamianqun by 美色集
fouryearsofshades:hanfu inspired winter wear by 花朝记The apple pullover is pretty cute. Keep reading
fouryearsofshades: 花间赋 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:Belt HookDate Made Zhou Dynasty; Warring States Period (475 B.C.E.-221 B.C.E.)Phys
fouryearsofshades:A short recap of some some period dramas I knew by passive diffusion and screen sh
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar ao with buzi + mamian qun by 帝尧汉服The model was holding a 汤婆
fouryearsofshades: 交领短袄 cross-collar ao + 马面裙 mamianqun by 帝尧汉服
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-inspired clothing. The top resembles a 主腰zhuyao, while the skirt was inspire
fouryearsofshades:Cross-collar ao by 乘鲤汉服 + mamianqun by 明华堂
fouryearsofshades:hanfu-inspired dress by 花朝记. Inspired by 主腰zhuyao and 马面裙mamianqun.
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar ao + mamian qun by 美色集
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar bufu with fenghuang motif and a “floor full of gold”
fouryearsofshades:bijia + zhuyao (probably) + mamianqun by 御讙纪汉服
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar ru + qun by 《醉花涧》
fouryearsofshades:cross-collar ao (short and long) + mamainqun by 福鹿记工作室
fouryearsofshades:【鹤庐汉服】——齐胸襦裙连衣裙亲子汉服—— 风回雪hanfu inspired dress
fouryearsofshades:pink: circular collar robe 圆领袍blue: cross-collar long ao 直领大襟长袄skirt: b
fouryearsofshades: (via 【晓莲】濯羽汉服-真丝提花条纹褶群 【现货】-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:筱绣阁 shop102072073.taobao.com/ Traditional Chinese Hanfu. Fun fact: this out
fouryearsofshades: (via 【鸾镜朱颜】 濯羽汉服-唐风真丝大袖齐胸套装-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: Zha ju by 竹里馆
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【完售】【琼箫碧月】濯羽汉服-唐风真丝齐胸襦裙-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades:明制團龍補圓領袍 by 洞庭漢風漢服Ming-style circular collar robe. Note the 外摆waibai (
fouryearsofshades: 【产品属性】 所属品牌:重回汉唐 品 名:丝路花雨 款式类别:对襟半臂交领襦裙套装&n
fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 醉花涧 中国风 一片式真丝褶裙 另可定制三裥裙 八破裙 十六破裙-淘宝网) 醉花涧汉式美学 Traditional Chines
fouryearsofshades: (via 東漢襦裙-淘宝网) 南朝 Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Waist-high Ruqun/襦裙 based on
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 筱绣阁 Traditional Chinese Hanfu skirts.
fouryearsofshades: 纨绮
fouryearsofshades: 司南阁 “Wei-Jin style” appriation post
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【含露梅边】趁着七夕,懒癌掌柜来上旧_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 含露梅边 Traditional Chinese Hanfu wi
fouryearsofshades: 东坡巾 by 洞庭漢風漢服 Dongpo Jin/东坡巾 is a type of traditional Chinese hat (Jin/巾) f
fouryearsofshades: 方舄 fangxi (square-head shoes) by 乘鲤汉服
fouryearsofshades: 绛悠堂
fouryearsofshades: #圣诞节套装#觉得这种发型真萌啊,古人早就将猫耳的萌付诸实践了。(去睡觉,希望明天会是新的、更好的起点) (via –六六六–的照片 -
fouryearsofshades:曲领中衣 + 直裾袍 + 交领外衫 by 怀谷居汉服A quling undershirt plus zhiju robe based on artef
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
fouryearsofshades:(via 【一枕悠夏】春季宋风弓鞋上新,弓鞋团购活动抢楼_汉服交易吧_百度贴吧) 一枕悠夏 Shoes for Chinese hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: circular-collar robe (oversize style) by 丹青荟传统服饰
fouryearsofshades: (via 【雀色】濯羽汉服-真丝褙子齐腰套装 【现货】-淘宝网) 濯羽 汉服工作室 Traditional Chinese Hanfu.
fouryearsofshades: 鶴氅 hechang / 大氅 dachang by 洞庭漢風漢服
fouryearsofshades:长干寺 半袖 banxiu half-sleeves + 抹胸 moxiong (orange) + 百迭裙 baidiequn (skirt) by 衣冠百兘
fouryearsofshades:Hanfu x MMORPG 剑侠情缘网络版叁 by 凤翥斋
fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家 Traditional Chinese Hanfu. This outfit comprises a yellow-and-pink waist-hi
fouryearsofshades: circular-collar robe by 丹青荟传统服饰
fouryearsofshades:Fake collars醉花言 noticekavril520.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
fouryearsofshades: 款式面料:棉质圆领中衣一件 &nbs
fouryearsofshades: (via 【剑荷堂】《上邪》 海枯石烂 定制提花里100%真丝 中衣(现货)-淘宝网) Love poem on top~~~~ 剑荷堂 Traditional
fouryearsofshades: 先来说明~这些团扇都是姑苏缂丝第一人罗老师家的、要不是关系不错还真搞不到这价格、这老头手艺没话说、就是倔得很、哄半天才肯吧东西拿出来给拍照~团购价是在原价基础上打
fouryearsofshades: inkjadestudio: fouryearsofshades: (via 【晏曦楼】齐胸系列上新+抢楼,妹子进来看看_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 晏曦楼 I li
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 江南桃花家 Traditional Chinese Hanfu - Type: Beizi/褙子.
fouryearsofshades:(via 【华夏粹】2015秋季发新 秋色宜人衣更美有华丽大袖衫和汉元素哟_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 华夏粹汉服 I recommended two of the b
fouryearsofshades:I haven’t posted anything original for awhile. Actually in autumn/winter 201
fouryearsofshades: (via 【小雅】汉服 笙歌 花间浅酌系列 齐胸襦裙 补货中-淘宝网) 小 雅
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 【猫与秋刀鱼】对襟半臂 襦裙 经常会去郊外的湖边逛逛,湖面并不广阔,从此岸过桥就是彼岸。 喜欢坐在一边回忆最不相言语的事,有时会觉得这套衣
fouryearsofshades: 小嫏嬛館 原葑溪草堂 qun/skirt
fouryearsofshades: There might be some confusions between hanfu ruqun and hakama. So I made a thing.
fouryearsofshades:Banbi (short sleeve) with yaolan (waist piece) by 双玉瓯
fate-magical-girls:fouryearsofshades:blisschild:mingsonjia:evy-l:mingsonjia:In traditional Chinese c
fouryearsofshades: 凉笙记 Traditional Chinese Hairpins.
fouryearsofshades: Zha ju by 竹里馆
fouryearsofshades: 主题:业火红莲设计:@络合无 1.普通版:售价 :599元不包邮布料:对襟半臂–暗红色提花棉上儒–真丝棉一片式藏褶齐腰下裙–雪
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 阆苑古今工坊 A hebao/荷包 is a purse-like traditional Chinese accessory of ha
fouryearsofshades: 先来说明~这些团扇都是姑苏缂丝第一人罗老师家的、要不是关系不错还真搞不到这价格、这老头手艺没话说、就是倔得很、哄半天才肯吧东西拿出来给拍照~团购价是在原价基础上打
fouryearsofshades: probably-unreliable: Evolution of the Yuán lǐng páo in the Tang dyn
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:浮罗芳菲 shop108449202.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hair ornament
fouryearsofshades:A brief overview of some common hanfu shoes. There are some traditional shoes that
fouryearsofshades: 震泽波底月明
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: 【猫与秋刀鱼】对襟半臂 襦裙 经常会去郊外的湖边逛逛,湖面并不广阔,从此岸过桥就是彼岸。 喜欢坐在一边回忆最不相言语的事,有时会觉得这套衣
fouryearsofshades: 那么此款是少女造型,唐代盛行红妆,唐宇文氏《妆台记》中写道:“美人妆,面既傅粉,复以胭脂调匀掌中,施以两颊,浓者为‘酒晕妆’;
fouryearsofshades: 天衣坊
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades:篱天宫 shop109980393.taobao.com/Traditional Chinese hair ornaments
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【翠夕案】上新折扣咯。。抢楼免费送_汉服商家吧_百度贴吧) 翠夕案 古钗手作 Traditional Chinese hair
fouryearsofshades: 【月蝶飞坊】— 长相忆 诃子大袖衫 设计师:小虎、小月 化妆造型:小月 摄影/后期:菩提守望 模特:小虎 (via 【月蝶飞坊】汉服 女装 唐簪花仕女
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: Clothes by 花间赋 Necklace by 莳花集 Traditional Chinese Hanfu
fouryearsofshades: 绛悠堂
fouryearsofshades: (via 华夏粹正品 雪纺艳水红 广袖交领襦裙汉服民族热卖 惊鸿图红颜-淘宝网) 华夏粹 Waist-high Ruqun/襦裙 from 华夏粹’s
fouryearsofshades: 裁云集
fouryearsofshades: 司南阁 “Wei-Jin style” appriation post
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 清笼月—国画风刺绣披风-春拾记-汉服-淘宝网) 春拾记 chunsj.taoba
fouryearsofshades: 直裾袍+燕尾曲+素纱禅衣 by 鹤庐汉服zhiju + quju + shanyi
ziseviolet: fouryearsofshades: (via 【踏云馆】汉服 唐制双层真丝圆领袍套装【千里光】-淘宝网) 【踏云馆】 Traditional Chinese Hanfu. T
fouryearsofshades:hair ornaments made from Shrinky Dink 柳絮风轻原创手作
fouryearsofshades: (via 【娇柔发带】未央阁 汉服 发带-淘宝网) 未央阁 shop58066861.taobao.com/
fouryearsofshades: 明制圆领衫 circular collared shan +马面裙 mamianqun 鹤庐汉服
fouryearsofshades:Hanfu inspired by that particular dancer figurine from the Astana Cemetery First r
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